Healthy Youth

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Granite United Way

Granite United Way's commitment to advancing the common good in communities throughout New Hampshire draws power from the social determinants of health model, with an understanding that factors related to community safety, economic stability and educational achievement are clear predictors of how long we live and how well we live. The Capital Area Public Health Network provides a strong infrastructure for addressing the most pressing public health needs in the region, including the current substance misuse epidemic we face right here in New Hampshire and the Capital Area.

Patrick Tufts
President & CEO

New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management

“In today’s world, the next pandemic, flu, or wide spread disease is just around the corner. You cannot go a day without hearing about some issue of this type in the news. So, it is never a matter of if…but when! I’ve been involved with the Capital Area Public Health Network since its inception and have been continually impressed by the level of dedication and energy that is put forth to prepare, train and execute the highest level of service possible to the people we serve.”

J. Scott Nichols
Regional Catastrophic Planner

New Hampshire Treatment Locator

Treatment for problems with alcohol or drug abuse is available. Find a provider in your area.

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